July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

Did you know that July is vehicle theft prevention month? In 2020 alone, over 804,000 vehicles were stolen in the United States. Vehicle theft costs Coloradans billions of dollars each year – Colorado holds the unfortunate #1 ranking for auto thefts out of all 50 states? If you’ve ever had a vehicle stolen before, you know just how frustrating, scary, and costly it can be. 

Fortunately, drivers can take precautions to minimize the risk of being victims of vehicle theft. We hope that the following tips will help you to ensure the safety of your vehicle and your belongings!

Park in well-lit areas

Thieves prefer to work in the dark. Vehicle thefts are much less likely to happen when vehicles are parked in well-lit, highly trafficked areas. When parking at night, look for a place to park where there are surveillance cameras.

Roll up all windows and lock your vehicle’s doors when you park

Never leave the windows rolled down or the doors unlocked to your vehicle. 

Don’t keep valuables in your vehicle

If you must keep belongings in your vehicle, ensure that they are stored out of sight – under seats or hidden in the trunk. Additionally, never leave your vehicle title in the vehicle. 

Never leave your keys in your vehicle

Never leave your vehicle running unattended, and never leave your keys (even a spare!) in your vehicle. 

What to do if your vehicle is stolen

If your vehicle is broken into or stolen, contact the police immediately. You will likely need to provide the police with your vehicle’s make, model, color, and license plate number, along with your vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). 

We encourage you to follow the tips above to reduce the risk of vehicle break-ins and thefts. If you have questions or concerns about the security of your vehicle, please contact the Houska Automotive team by giving us a call at 970-821-8654. 

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